100 - 102 Crowhill Road Bishopbriggs Gllasgow G64 1RP
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“I have devoted myself to the cause of the people.
It is a good cause… It shall ultimately prevail…
It shall finally triumph”
Thomas Muir (Aug 1793)
Thomas Muir
of Huntershill (1765 – 1799)
Father of Scottish Democracy
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Events planned for through out the year
22nd October 2013
Photo with some of the sponsors and festival organisers
Image 1 - View of Bishopbriggs town centre
Image 2 Left to right
Jimmy Watson (festival organiser), Jim Skimins (festival organiser), Stuart Allison (Blu - sponsor), Walter Bell (Lodge Cadder Freestone - sponsor), Douglas Scott (Blu - Sponsor) and Ann Ritchie (Fort Theatre - contributor & sponsor)
Stuart Allison MD of Blu… 'We're delighted to be able to support the Thomas Muir Festival."
Festival organiser Jimmy Watson... 'the banners really help create a festival feel. It's taken three years to gain permission and coordinate having these banners. We're hoping the community really gets behind the festival and supports all events. Feedback has been excellent, fingers crossed it’s a success and all the hard work is worth it! '
12th October 2013
The Thomas Muir Festival 13 - 16 November 2013
9th July 2012
The Thomas Muir Festival 22 - 29 Sept 2012
Link to the ABC Radio (Australia) ‘The Trials of Thomas Muir’
24th January 2012
Milngavie and Bearsden Ramblers (29-11-11)
Thomas Muir Heritage Trail now has funding for signage, way markers and map
12th January 2012
Editing of ‘Muir’s Place in History’ filmed during the Thomas Muir Festival 2011 is now almost complete. If you wish to purchase a copy of this landmark discussion and debate contact info@thomasmuir.co.uk
18h December 2011
Superb radio documentary on Thomas Muir of Huntershill
Producer Jennifer Bowen and Presenter Sharon Davis of ABC National Radio (Australia)
Interviews include Hector MacMillan (Muir Biographer), Professor Nigel Leask (University of Glasgow), Jimmy Watson (FOTM), Dr Tony Moore (Author - Death & Liberty), Dr Beverly Sherry (University of Sydney), Michael Richards (Museum of Australian Democracy) and Dr Mick Davis (University of Tasmania)
Musical arrangement includes Dick Gaughan singing
ABC Radio (Australia) ‘The Trials of Thomas Muir’
25th May 2011
Thomas Muir Festival is sold out
12th March 2011
Extract from First Minister Alex Salmond’s speech to the SNP spring conference
March 12, 2011
‘…. That is what we value and what we think is the purpose of government. To the rights of the ordinary to triumph over vested interests.
In our capital city of Edinburgh there stands a monument to Thomas Muir and his fellow friends of the people. His memory should cast a beam across the work of every civil servant in the Scottish Government and every Minister – because the monument to Muir and his fellows revolutionaries spikes out of Calton graveyard like a shaft of stony light across from St Andrew’s House.
And this monument contains Muir’s own vision: “I have devoted myself to the cause of The People. It is a good cause – it shall ultimately prevail – it shall finally triumph.”
And his message was not just for this place, but for every place. For his spirit, for Robert Burn’s spirit, Jimmy Reid’s spirit, our spirit, it is for the common weal.
The rights of man – and of women. And the legitimacy of the ordinary over the powerful.
This party has travelled a similar path. This movement, this nation, has been patronised, talked down, told it wasn’t good enough. And yet this party has risen from a few MPs and a land without a parliament, to a Scotland with a parliament, and an SNP government.
We never lost the strength of hope – and we fought on to triumph. But we, in our mix of the national and the international, of the personal and the political, we fought not to govern over people, but for the people to govern over themselves.
It is for that reason and that reason above all that we are the Friends of the People of Scotland, and for that reason we shall prevail.’
31st January 2011
Thomas Muir Festival announced Dick Gauhghan to head the festival
4th Nov 2010
Thomas Muir Heritage Trail
MSP David Whitton's motion to the Scottish Parliament
The text of MSP Dvid Whittons press release and motion reads...
1st April 2010
In his relentless pursuit of parliamentary reform he fell foul to a tragic miscarriage of justice.
Befitting recognition is long overdue
A Statue of Thomas Muir
Calling on the Scottish Parliament to support the erection of a statue of Thomas Muir (1765-1799) in the vicinity of the Parliament building or at an appropriate place on the Royal Mile
(Ended on 12 April 2010)
4th March 2010
A Statue of Thomas Muir
Motion to the Scottish Parliament (4-March-2010)