Thomas Muir

100 - 102 Crowhill Road Bishopbriggs Glasgow G64 1RP

“I have devoted myself to the cause of the people.

It is a good cause… It shall ultimately prevail…

It shall finally triumph”

Thomas Muir (Aug 1793)

of Huntershill (1765 – 1799)

Father of Scottish Democracy

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‘Friends of Thomas Muir’

The Friends of Thomas Muir is a group based in Thomas Muir’s home-town of Bishopbriggs, that is committed to increasing awareness of the part he played in Scottish history.

We aim to remind people of his democratic legacy, with a view to creating a fuller understanding of what democracy really means. In addition we wish to honour all those who have fought for and are still fighting for democracy across the world.

Would you Like to become a ‘Friend’?

Membership is £5.00 annually, you will be kept informed of regular events in honour of Muir, meetings,

decisions and the work that we do as a charity.

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